Known Issues With WarnUS
- Sounds may or may not work on smartphones or other mobile devices (they do work on laptops as far as I know). I do not own a smartphone or tablet, thus I AM UNABLE TO VERIFY THAT WARNUS WORKS ON SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS.
- The maps have an occasional tendency to not load correctly, which can cause problems with some of the geographically-related features. There is nothing I can do to resolve this, because the maps use ESRI's JavaScript API, which I cannot modify. If the maps do not appear to be working, refreshing the page will usually solve the issue.
- NWS forecasters will sometimes specially modify the wording in some of the warnings they issue. This can cause warnings to be mis-interpreted. I obviously cannot control how a forecaster will format a warning, and there have been instances when a non-traditional format has caused WarnUS to display faulty information. Writing a predictive algorithm would take too long and would eat a lot of processing power. The best I can do is keep WarnUS from crashing.
- For retrieving alert data on the virtual weather radio, there is an intermittent bug that can cause certain alert texts to show up incorrectly or for the wrong alert. Refreshing the page will fix this if it occurs.